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The added value of diversified cropping systems to improve agri-food systems sustainability

In the context of its 150 years, the Walloon Agricultural Research Centre will mobilise farmers, farmers representatives, advisors, policy makers and actors of the value chain, to share results obtained by different partners involved in DiverIMPACTS project and other projects exploring solutions to develop cropping system diversification and to identify, with these actors, the way to support it further (link to the program of the conference).

During the morning, different crop diversification strategies and their integration will be highlighted together with the presentation of the adaptations needed at the downstream part of the value chain or in the legislation to support their development.

The afternoon will focus on the presentation of tools (contract, fair price definition, …) to support multi-actors coordination and of advises to policy makers to support crop diversification all along the value chain. These outcomes of DiverIMPACTS will be discussed with all the participants through a world café process in order to fine tune these advices and to share them with European and international institutions.

Event details

Date: 8 February, 2022
Language: French
Location: Virtual
Further information: La diversification des systèmes de cultures, un levier pour des systèmes agro-alimentaires plus durables

Registration DiverIMPACTS - Inscription à la conférence du 8 février 2022

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